Tag Archives: urban form

CyNUM’s 2nd Regional Urban Morphology Conference


Conference Brief
CyNUM’s 2nd Regional Urban Morphology Conference aims to establish a common platform to discuss further how cities, in the
context of the south-eastern Mediterranean, transform over time by concentrating on their urban morphological characteristics.
The conference sets up an academic and professional arena in which urban morphology would be explored through heritage
conservation-based urban transformation, regeneration-based urban transformation, and (re)development-based urban
transformation within the rich urban context of south-eastern Mediterranean cities. The sub-themes of the conference are as follows:
• Transformation of Urban Form
• Architecture, Heritage and Urban Form
• Conservation of Urban Landscape
• Public Space Network

Organising Committee (Alphabetic Order)
Gizem Caner, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture, Cyprus International University
Alessandro Camiz, Associate Prof., Department of Architecture, Ozyegin University
Nevter Zafer Cömert, Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, Eastern Mediterranean University.
Ilaria Geddes, Researcher, Department of Architecture, University of Cyprus
Şebnem Önal Hoşkara, Professor, Department of Architecture, Eastern Mediterranean University (Conference Chair)
Nezire Ozgece, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture, Cyprus International University

Scientific Committee (Alphabetic Order)
Ali Alraouf, HBKU University, Doha, Qatar
Cana Bilsel, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Olgu Çalışkan, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Naciye Doratlı, Eastern Mediterranean University, Cyprus
Sergio Garcia Perez, University of Zaragoza
Payam Mahasti, Cyprus International University, Cyprus
Marco Maretto, University of Parma & Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Ayşe Sema Kubat, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey.
Giuseppe Strappa, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.
Tolga Ünlü, Çukurova University, Turkay
Malgorzata Hanzl, Lodz University of Technology, Poland


La ricerca di morfologia urbana in Italia. Tradizione e futuro. Giornata di studio


Esistono oggi scuole di morfologia urbana? La tradizione italiana è stata rivolta, almeno in parte, all’uso operativo degli studi sulla forma urbana. Ma è ancora possibile proporre, oggi, ricerche in chiave progettuale e didattica, oltre che interpretativa?  Qual è il lascito “aggiornato” dei maestri che hanno contribuito alla nascita di una scuola di morfologia urbana?



manifesto giornata di studio 14 gennaio 2021 (1)

Nello sforzo di rinnovare gli strumenti di partecipazione alla costruzione dei numeri della rivista, la redazione di U+D – Urbanform and Design intende organizzare l’issue number 15/2021 sul tema La ricerca di morfologia urbana in Italia. Tradizione e futuro, chiamando a collaborare gli autori fin dalla sua impostazione, che sarà discussa in una Giornata di Studio in programma per il 14 gennaio 2021.

L’iniziativa ha due finalità correlate tra loro.

Si tratta di sperimentare un nuovo metodo di progettare la pubblicazione pensandola come processo e definendone la struttura in forma partecipata.

L’iniziativa ha, poi, lo scopo di contribuire a rilanciare il dibattito sui temi della forma urbana riguardata nei sui esiti tangibili e indagata secondo metodi razionali e trasmissibili. Pur in un’accezione ampia e aperta del termine “morfologia urbana”, l’interesse dell’incontro sarà rivolto alle ricerche basate sullo studio concreto dei fenomeni urbani e sul loro esito progettuale.

Tema importante sarà anche il ruolo fondamentale che scuole e maestri hanno avuto, in Italia, nel costruire un pensiero originale sugli studi urbani, oggetto di una nuova attenzione in campo internazionale. Il dibattito dovrebbe essere incentrato, secondo le intenzioni degli organizzatori, non su uno sguardo storico e retrospettivo, ma sull’attualità del loro lascito che va confrontato con le questioni più urgenti che la crisi della città contemporanea pone.

Proponendo una riflessione rivolta al futuro ma basata sui temi della condizione contemporanea, sembra utile porre, allora, i seguenti interrogativi:

cosa si intenda oggi per morfologia urbana;

come essa venga studiata e proposta nella didattica delle scuole italiane;

come venga studiata e proposta nel progetto di architettura;

quali nuove prospettive di ricerca si possano avanzare per interpretare la fenomenica attuale.

Le differenti posizioni che emergeranno nella giornata di studio, strutturata in forma di tavoli di discussione,  contribuiranno a formare un quadro sintetico delle attività teoriche, progettuali e didattiche praticate nelle diverse scuole.

Senza avere la pretesa di esaurire il quadro delle ricerche sul tema in corso in Italia, alla giornata sono invitati studiosi delle sedi in cui sono presenti Corsi di Laurea in Architettura che operano su questo stesso orizzonte di sperimentazione con metodi e fini diversi ma, riteniamo, spesso complementari.

L’evento è aperto all’intera comunità di studiosi e architetti che operano in questo settore e che potranno partecipare come uditori mediante la piattaforma on line.

link: https://meet.google.com/fvb-wjkv-uze


The overturned city


Giuseppe Strappa

The overturned city /  La città rovesciata

U+D n.14 – editorial

Rome was certainly not the only victim of a rapid and violent consumption of the most precious part of the inherited city. The crisis of its historical fabric was however exemplary and the questions that its decline posed contain, as often in history, a universal meaning.
Some considerations on the historic city of Rome (on the way, above all, in which the crisis caused by the pandemic has posed new problems and some hope) may be of general significance not only because the city has been, for at least a century, an important place of experimentation in terms of interventions on its historical heritage, but also because it has given a significant contribution to the thought on the architecture of the modern city, that of Kahn, Venturi, Rowe, Muratori.
What is changing, therefore, in the historic city, meaning by this term not only an architectural and building heritage, but a system of values, functions and symbols inevitably in transformation?
I believe that the problem has to be posed in a broad perspective that considers the formative phases of the city fabric, posing the question in its structural terms, which are economic and political.

continue reading       editoriale n.14 – strappa NUOVO

READING BUILT SPACES – 4th ISUFitaly Conference

Bari, 26-28 September 2018

The conference’s aim is to propose a dialectical comparison between scholars of Architecture, Urban Planning, Urban History, Restoration, Geography, on the theme of urban morphology with an interpretative perspective based on the concept of “operating history”. Search for a multidisciplinary syncretism that eludes single analyzing techniques and aims to the complete reconstruction of the urban phenomenology in its totality and concrete essence, through the study of the changing and inflexible condition of ‘fluidity’ hinged on the world’s events. An integrated thought based on the critical concept of ‘making’ that constitutes, phase by phase, the signifying element of each present, explained through the relationship between the before and the after: that is the research perspective of ‘being’ that announces the notion of transformational process.              Therefore, the projection in the future of the urban form is the central theme of the conference that proposes to stimulate the reflection on the issues as: recovery (not only of the historical city), re-use of existing urban spaces, regeneration, ex novo design in peripheral and peri-urban areas and natural spaces. All that, without neglecting the issue of sustainability, not considered with the strabismus of those who surrender to the “technique” pre-domain.



1. Urban form theories

2. Urban form between identity and spatial semantics

3. Contemporary urban spaces between form and process

4. Urban form between architecture and landscape

5. In making structural or timeless paradigm?


1. Form and structure of the historical city

2. Urban morphology and settlement process

3. Relation between periphery and natural space

4. Structure of the informal city

5. Metropolis and megalopolis in the making


1. Today’s city and future shape

2. Urban restoration and post-trauma re-construction between conservation and innovation

3. Fringe belt riqualification

4. The urban project between city and nature

5. Ecological urban environments

Conference Chairs
Matteo Ieva, Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy
Paolo Carlotti, ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome, Italy
Loredana Ficarelli, Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy

ISUF Conference 2008 – Artimino (Carmignano, Prato) 21-23 November

“Landscape and urban form”

ISUF Conference 2008

ISUF will hold an international conference in Artimino, next to Florence, Italy, into the XVI century Medicean Villa, on 21, 22 and 23 of November. The broad theme of the conference will be “Landscape and urban form”. It is hoped that the conference will showcase current research and practice in urban morphology in relation to different international centres.

Urban Morphologists wishing to present a paper at the conference should contact Professor Gianluigi Maffei, Florence Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architectural Design, Viale Gramsci n°42, 50132 Firenze (e-mail: gianluigimaffei@libero.it). Proposals should have the following format: name of author(s), affiliation, postal address, e-mail address, telephon number, fax number, title of paper and an abstract of about 250 words. The deadline for the receipt of proposals is 1 July 2008.

The number of places at the conference will be limited and acceptance for attendance will be on a first come, first served basis. Placement on the programme will be communicated to applicants by 15 July 2008, and will be contingent upon advance registration. Details are available on ISUF’s website (www.urbanform.on) from 1 of April. Definitive papers should be submitted by 15 of September 2008.

The next meetings of ISUF’s Council and Editorial Board will take place during the conference. Any matters that members wish to bring to the attention of the Secretary-General, Prof. Nicola Marzot, should be communicated to him by e-mail at studioperforma.marzot@email.it (postal address: Faculty of Architecture, University of Ferrara, Via Quartieri n°8, 44100 Ferrara, Italy)

conference program

2.00 – 4.00 p.m. – Registration
4.00 – 5.15 p.m. – UM Editorial Board (Members only:
Room B)
5.15 p.m.          – Welcome Coffee
– Inauguration of the Exhibition “Carmignano, its Territory and its Settlements”
5.15 – 6.30 p.m. – ISUF Council (Members only: Room B)

6.30-7.00 p.m. – Welcome remarks
– Doriano Cirri, Mayor of Carmignano
– Ulisse Tramonti, Director of Dipartimento di
Progettazione dell’Architettura, Università di Firenze
– Gian Luigi Maffei, President of ISUF
– Alessandro Merlo, President of CISPUT

7.00-7.45 p.m. Keynote lecture:
Urban forms and landscape: hard times, new issues?
Pier Giorgio Gerosa, Ècole Nationale Superieure
d’Architecture de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France
8.30 p.m. – Dinner


9.00-9.45 a.m – Keynote lecture:
Through the French urban landscape, and what can we find there
Michaël Darin, Ècole Nationale Superieure d’Architecture de Versailles, Versailles, France

9.45-10.45 a.m. – Chair: Jeremy Whitehand

Malignant land use/cover expansion in human communities
Warren M. Hern, Departement of Anthropology, University
of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA

Planned cities and landscape: historic cases in Finland
Marjut Kirjakka, Helsinki, Finland

9.45-10.45 a.m. – Chair: Nicola Marzot

Inherited urban forms and the challenge of the twenty first century
Jorge Ricardo Ferreira Pinto, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal

The urban spatial cycles related to economic cycles. Theoretical base for empirical research
Rozana Rivas de Araújo & Maria Alice  Lahorgue, Universidade Federal do Rio Grade do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil

10.45 a.m.  –  Coffee break

11.00-12.00 a.m. – Chair: Jeremy Whitehand

Urban Morphology and landscape concepts as instruments for planning practices
Staël de Alvarenga Pereira Costa, Escola de Arquitetura, Departamento de Urbanismo, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil

Fringe belts and Green belts
Sigridur Kristjansdottir, Agricultural University of Iceland, Borgarnes, Iceland

11.00-12.00 a.m. – Chair: Nicola Marzot

New paradigms for the contemporary landscape: environmental planning and urban form in an Amazon town
Paolo L. Codo Dias & Lucia Capanema Alvares, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil

Crisis and new opportunities of Sardinian rural landscapes
Adriano Dessì, Dipartimento di Architettura – Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy

12.30 p.m  – Lunch

2.30-3.15 p.m. – Keynote lecture:
How growing cities internalize their old urban fringes
Michael Conzen, Committee on Geographical Studies, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA

3.15-4.45 p.m. – Chair: Staël de Alvarenga Pereira Costa

Spatial culture related to the private and public planning of Aracaju (1855-2003)
Eder Donizeti da Silva & Adriana Dantas Nogueira, Federal University of Sergipe, Aracaju, Sergipe, Brazil

Detailed plan of the historical center: in the merit of the historical urban fabric
Pico Farnese
Paolo Carlotti, Facoltà di Architettura, Politecnico di Bari, Bari, Italy

The urban legislation and morphology of Moema (São Paulo, Brazil)
Denise Antonucci, FAU, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, SP, Brazil

3.15-4.45 p.m. – Chair: Shigeru Sato

Mapping Urban Symbolic Order
Ana Paula Polidori Zechlinski & Romulo Krafta, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil

A methodology for eliciting the public multi-sensory image of urban open spaces
Paula Barros, Oxford Brookes University, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil

Landscape and urban form. Linguistical components of settlement types
Mario Gallarati, Studio Architettura Gallarati, Genova, Italy

4.45 p.m. –  Coffee break

5.00-6.30 p.m. – Chair: Staël de Alvarenga Pereira Costa

Sustainable transport modes: a solution of transport dilemma in Auckland
Ning Huang & Robert Vale, School of Architecture and Planning, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

Disperse Urbanization in Região dos Lagos: a case study
Gabriela Campos, Michele Coyunji & Werther Holzer, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, RJ, Brazil

The international influences on the planning of Abuja, the new capital of Nigeria
Jurgen Lafrenz, Universitat Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

5.00-7.00 p.m. – Chair: Shigeru Sato

The concept of ‘Cultural Region’. Between landscape and urban form: the Emilian case-study
Marco Maretto, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, dell’Ambiente, del Territorio e Architettura, Facoltà di Architettura, Università degli Studi di Parma, Parma, Italy

A study on the interaction between town layout and nature: the urban landscape of Maringá, Brasil
Karin Schwabe Meneguetti & Renato Leão Rego, Departamento de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Maringá, PR, Brasil

Village-scape and morphology: a study on Chinese historic villages
Sheng Ying, Shanghai Tongji Urban Planning & Design Institute, Shanghai, China

Urban morphology and planning: exploring the fringe-belt concept in Auckland, New Zealand
Kai Gu,  School of Architecture and Planning,
University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

8.00 p.m. – Gala dinner


9.00-9.45 a.m – Keynote lecture:
The concept of territory of the Muratorian school
Attilio Petruccioli, Facoltà di Architettura, Politecnico di Bari, Bari, Italy

9.45-10.45 a.m. – Chair: Giuseppe Strappa

Lhasa: urban morphology in transit
Amund Sinding-Larsen, Norwegian University and Science, Trondheim, Norway

Iugeral models for the park of the aquaeducti aniensi: a new archaeological restraint. Castel Madama (Rome) Italy
Alessandro Camiz, Università di Roma ‘La Sapienza’, Facoltà di Architettura ‘Valle Giulia’, Roma, Italy

9.45-10.45 a.m. – Chair: Michael Barke

The morphological aspects of the construction of Lisbon’s landscape territory: Urban Form vs. Cultural identity in the county of Cascais
Maria Amelia Cabrita & Teresa Marat-Mendes, ISCTE, Department of Architecture and Urbanism, Lisboa, Portugal

Urban landscape and the new suburbs in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Maria Marta dos Santos Camisassa, Universidade Federal de Vicosa, Vicosa, MG, Brazil

10.45 a.m.  –  Coffee break

11.00-12.30 a.m. Chair: Giuseppe Strappa

The mediterranean city of Parga in Epyro, process of development from the past to the future next
Marilena Novelli & Enrico Genovesi, Facoltà di Architettura L. Quaroni, Università ‘La Sapienza’, Roma, Italy

Contemporary urbanism and urban morphology in the cities of north of Portugal (1852-1926)
Mário Gonçalves Fernandes, Departamento de Geografia, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal

The transformation of the urban tissue in the Tetrarchy imperial residencies
Giacomo Gallarati, Facoltà di Architettura, Genova, Italy

11.00-12.30 a.m. – Chair: Michael Barke

Transformation coastal process along the ‘Salpi’ Lagoon. From the Urban structure of Margherita di Savoia to the develop of the agricultural housing on the sand bar
Giuseppe Francesco Rociola, Politecnico di Bari, Bari, Italy

Afonso Pena Avenue: between the creek and the mountain range
Bernardo Nogueira Capute, Camila Marques Zyngier & Paula Balli Cury, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil

Reading-study and project for the historical centre of Castel Madama (Rome, Italy) and its territory
Alessandro Franchetti Pardo, Università di Roma ‘La Sapienza’, Facoltà di Architettura ‘Valle Giulia’, Roma, Italy

12.30-1.30 p.m. – President:  Gian Luigi Maffei
ISUF general meeting and conclusion

1.30 p.m. –   Final lunch