Tag Archives: Università degli Studi di Roma Tre


               APRI LA LOCANDINA  def. corso roma3 2024


 8h March – Introduction. Meaning and utility of Urban Morphology for the contemporary architecture.

15h March – Course organization. Schedule. Presentation of the program. Student registration. Guest lecturer MARTIN  EBERT  Between revolution and reform

22h March  Base building: base elements: notion, forming process and relationship with urban pre-existence – Ghetto cartography – groups forming (max. 4 students). classroom exercise

29h March  Matter Material: notion, transformation process, contemporary condition. Classroom work.  design exsercise

5h April  Fabric -Urban Organism – Substrata: the physical form of the city:  notion, forming process; contemporary condition – classroom exercise. Guest lecturer  ATTILIO PETRUCCIOLI  The interpretation of urban fabrics in the eastern city.

12h April  Special building: forming process and contemporary examples. Architectural knotting: historic notion and transition to modernity. classroom exercise

 19h April  . Field Survey: on base building topics (F. De Rosa, R. Salamouni)

26h April  Territory: notion, forming process and contemporary condition. classroom exercise

 3h Maj  Field Survey on special  building topics.  classroom exercise

10h Maj  At the roots of architectural composition: the notions of assembly and aggregation in history and in the contemporary condition.  classroom exercise

17h Maj  Roman modern architecture. specific features of modern Roman architecture from U.M point of view. Guest lecturers R.CAPOZZI, F. VISCONTI  Space and Form in the architecture of Louis Kahn

 24h Maj  book presentation (?) –  Conclusion. and questions about the examination programme (unclear parts of the lectures, supplementary topics, etc.) Student opinions and suggestions.

31st May  Short recap/summary of the course main topics (for the examination)  Short (2 hours) pre-examination test (optional)

Base texts online

  1. Strappa, L’architettura come processo, Franco Angeli, Milano 2015

The main chapters translated into English can be found on the teacher’s website (http://www.giuseppestrappa.it/) and are indicated below:

.            Notes on base buildinghttp://www.giuseppestrappa.it/?p=8400

.           The aggregation process and the form of the fabric, http://www.giuseppestrappa.it/?p=8380

.           Special nodal building, http://www.giuseppestrappa.it/?p=8159

.           Architectural knotting, http://www.giuseppestrappa.it/?p=8414

.           G. Strappa, Territory as architecture, 2019 – http://www.giuseppestrappa.it/?p=8355

Base text in paper format

  1. Caniggia, G.L. Maffei, Interpreting basic building, Altralinea, Firenze 2017
  2. Scardigno, N , Salamouni, R, Architecture in the making, Conversation with Giuseppe Strappa on urban morphology and design, Springer, Cham, 2024 (In the process of publication)



ROMA 3 – URBAN MORPHOLOGY COURSE second semester 2022

locandina ROMA TRE def
















FOR INFORMATION,  mail     gstrappa@yahoo.com


The course in Urban Morphology, optional, in English, provides 4 credits and is open to all students, including Erasmus ones.

The purpose of the morphological studies proposed by the course is the knowledge of the characters of the built environment and the recognition of its formation and transformation, having as ultimate goal the architectural design open to multiple esthetic synthesis.

It aims to teach a method of reading the physical form of the city through the understanding of the forming process common to urban fabrics and buildings, The term “reading” not indicates the neutral recording of phenomena, but an awareness which requires the active and dynamic contribution of the reader.

The basic notions of urban organism and forming process will be provided.


The course will consist of:

  1. a series of lectures (see schedule) aiming to provide the student, through the morphological/processural method, with the tools to read the built environment, historical and contemporary, having the architectural design as its goal. Some independent lectures could be given by external professors or experts, on complementary subjects.
  2. “morphological walks”. Field surveys organized to examine in the Rome historical center the fabrics and buildings under study.
  3. Students who intend to apply the reading method through a simple design proposal (exam form 1, see above), will be followed weekly through work reviews by the teachers.


Students will be evaluated through an oral test. They will choose one of the following forms of exam:

  1. Discussion of a simple design proposal derived from the theoretical studies.

Documents required:

  • study plan of the morphology of the place
  • study plan describing the formation of the proposal by phases
  • Plan of the design proposal (at urban scale) derived from the morphological reading and architectural interpretation of the place.
  1. Discussion on one of the theoretical topics listed in the course program.

The students will be free to present their individual notebook and all the works they consider useful for evaluation.


BasIc text in online format (in English)

  1. Strappa, L’architettura come processo (translated chapters), Franco Angeli, Milano 2015

The main chapters translated into English (useful to take the exam) can be found on the teacher’s website (http://www.giuseppestrappa.it/) and are indicated below:

Basic text in paper format (in English)

  1. Caniggia, G.L. Maffei, Interpreting basic building (pages. 53 –164) , Altralinea, Firenze 2017

A good translation in French (online) is: G. Caniggia, G.L. Maffei, Composition architectural et typologie du bati. 1 lecture du bati de base, traduit par p. larochelle, Université Laval, 2000 –http://www.giuseppestrappa.it/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/G.-Caniggia-Lecture-du-b%C3%A2ti-de-base-traduit-par-P.-Larochelle.pdf



Introduction. Meaning and utility of Urban Morphology for the contemporary architecture.

Course organization. Presentation of the program. Student registration.

 Territory: notion, forming process and contemporary condition.

Matter Material: notion, transformation process, contemporary condition

Substrata and urban fabric: the physical form of the city:  notion, forming process and contemporary condition.

Base building and substratum: base elements of the city: notion, forming process and relationship with urban pre-existence.

Field Survey: on base building topics.

Special building: forming process and contemporary examples.

 Architectural knotting: historic notion and transition to modernity. – Classroom work presentation (only for students who intend to deepen the topics of the course with practical exercises – see Exam 1 in the program).

At the roots of architectural composition: the notions of assembly and aggregation in history and in the contemporary condition.

Field Survey on special  building topics

Roman modern architecture

Conclusion. Short recap/summary of the course main topics (for the exam) and conclusions. Student opinions and suggestions.

Short pre-examination test (optional)





L’influenza degli studi di tipologia processuale sui Codici di Pratica

MICHELE ZAMPILLI (Dipartimento di Architettura, Università degli Studi di Roma Tre)

L’influenza degli studi di tipologia
processuale sui Codici di Pratica ed i
Manuali del Recupero e nella didattica
del restauro urbano.

The influence of procedural typology
studies on the Codes of Practice, on
the Recovery Manuals and on the didactic  of urban restoration

in U+D n.16, 2021

Nell’ambito di una più ampia riflessione sul portato che gli studi di morfologia urbana hanno avuto nella cultura e nell’insegnamento del progetto di architettura degli ultimi decenni, questo breve contributo si incentrerà sulle figure di Gianfranco Caniggia (1933-1987), Antonino Giuffrè (1933-1997) e Paolo Marconi (1933-2014) e su come gli studi di tipologia processuale della scuola muratoriana, ed in particolare le applicazioni operative di Caniggia, abbiano influenzato la nascita dei codici di pratica concepiti da Giuffrè per la conservazione e la messa in sicurezza del costruito storico, in particolare nei centri storici a rischio sismico, e l’evoluzione nello stesso senso dei manuali del recupero prodotti dalla scuola di Marconi.
E come la ricerca operativa e l’insegnamento di questi grandi maestri abbia inciso profondamente nella didattica del restauro urbano.

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