la Repubblica del 23 agosto 2018


Giuseppe Strappa

Se ripenso alla casa che Giuseppe Perugini si costruì a Fregene alla fine degli anni ‘60, posso dire che é nata in mezzo alla musica. Lo so che sembra una frase retorica. Ma è proprio così. Nello studio di Via dei Traversari c’era musica dovunque, a tutto volume, sempre. Rock americano soprattutto, ma anche musica giamaicana, pop e tanto altro. Ricordo l’architetto, con i capelli lunghi spettinati, il naso aquilino, gli occhi acuti e mobilissimi che disegnava in un caos totale, tra acuti di chitarra e vibrazioni di bassi che entravano nello stomaco. Altro che ricerca paziente, come insegnava papà Le Corbusier! Per Perugini, nato in Argentina, l’architettura era una liberazione, il sogno estatico di un futuro meccanico/umanistico in cui non vedeva alcuna contraddizione. Forse era l’anima romantica del moderno: seguiva principi razionali ma li portava in territori estremi e inesplorati, dove diventavano materia poetica. Trasformava la suggestione della macchina (dilagante a quei tempi) da simbolo di esattezza in fascinazione dinamica, evocazione del caos. Ma con calviniana leggerezza, senza caricare le proprie creature del gravame ideologico dei costruttivisti russi o dei futuristi nostrani. O almeno io la vedevo così.
Il progetto della sua casa era un incredibile assemblaggio di volumi che si aggregavano e cambiavano posto di mese in mese, un infinito gioco colorato al quale si univano con passione la moglie Uga e il figlio Raynaldo. Finché la costruzione apparve, magnifica, sospesa a mezz’aria tra le ombre lunghe e misteriose della pineta, legata alla terra degli umani da una scala metallica rossa, sollevabile, però, come il ponte levatoio in un libro di fiabe.
Ho avuto il dolore di rivedere la casa qualche giorno fa. Sembra un oggetto precipitato da un’altra galassia che si disfa tra la vegetazione. Un’ apparizione magica, se non richiamasse alla mente la stupidità distratta dei nostri tempi e i guasti che produce: una grande opera di poesia abbandonata al destino di oggetto divenuto inutile, come un frigorifero o un televisore.
Eppure la casa-albero non è ancora una rovina, si può ancora salvare. Attende solo che qualcuno nel Comune di Fiumicino si svegli dal torpore e si accorga di quanto potrebbe essere utile (utile!) questo patrimonio prezioso abbandonato tra i pini.

Cities as Assemblages – XXVI International Seminar on Urban Form 2019

XXVI International Seminar on Urban Form 2019
Cities as Assemblages
2-6 July 2019
Nicosia, CYPRUS
Cyprus Network of Urban Morphology







The Cyprus Network of Urban Morphology will host the ISUF2019 conference in Nicosia, Cyprus. The conference aims to address the embedding of different theories and approaches within methodologies analysing the urban form.
Relational theories have wide implications for the study of the urban form, not just in terms of how we conceptualize cities and describe the processes of their emergence and transformation, but also for the design of methodologies that more than ever need to take into account a variety of city components – not just physical elements, but also human groups and the connections between them. Furthermore, such theories highlight the relevance of the urban form to the construction and negotiation of the social as well as the power of connections between social entities at different scales in shaping our cities. Both these reflections are particularly relevant to
the focus themes related to the location of the conference: Group formations and negotiations within cities influencing ethnoreligious tensions, political movements, social segregation and
urban conflicts more widely, as well as the particular status of port cities often in the past more linked to other port cities than their hinterland and, still to the present day, the first point of
arrival of migrant groups and the city-location of choice for tourism.
Although the relevance of relational theories for the fields of geography and urban studies has been touched upon by a number of research articles, the theories have not been reflected upon with great depth and no conferences on the impact and the potentialities of relational theories for urban studies have so far taken place. Discussion on the implications of such theories specifically for the study of urban morphology has been even scarcer, may these be in relation to Conzenian, typological or space syntax approaches.
Relational theories open up new avenues for the study of urban morphology and for the development of multidisciplinary methodologies.

Conference themes:
1. Theory 1 : emergence, relational theories, the social sciences and urban
2. Theory 2 : the scope and limits of urban theories.
3. Urban Design : urban morphology, building typology and design
4. Methods 1 : embedding different approaches into the study of urban morphology.
5. Methods 2 : combining Conzenian, typological and space syntax approaches.
6. Focus 1 : urban conflict and divided cities.
7. Focus 2 : Mediterranean port cities in a global context.

Wendy McClure, University of Idaho, USA
Alan Penn, University College London, UK
Giuseppe Strappa, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Jeremy Whitehand, University of Birmingham, UK

Call for papers : 31st of July 2018
Abstract submission : 14th of December 2018
Acceptance notification : 10th of February 2019
Author registration and
Payment : 31st of March 2019
Full paper submission : 31st of May 2019
Conference : 2nd – 6th July 2019
Publication of proceedings : to be announced

ISUF 2018 – Urban Form and Social Context: from traditions to newest demands – Siberian Federal University. Krasnoyarsk.

ХХV International Seminar on Urban Form 2018
Urban Form and Social Context: from traditions to newest demands

Conference Dates:
July 5, 2018 – July 9, 2018







Topics for Discussion

Urban morphological theory
Urban morphological methods and techniques
The evolution of urban form under the social influence
Urban form and technology
Fringe belts, development within the newest demands
Historical urban fabric
Urban landscape: history and socio-cultural transformations
Architectural typology: history, development, tendencies
Urban identity
Urban morphology, regeneration and newest urban design
Cartogpaphy data
Tools of analysis
PSUF – post socialist urban form
Teaching Urban Morphology
New Researchers Forum

Organizing Committee
Международной конференции XXV ISUF «Форма города и социальный контекст: от традиций к требованиям современности» (“Urban Form and Social Context: from traditions to newest demands”)
5-9 июля 2018 г.

1. Barke, Michael. Northumbria University, (UK), emeritus professor of Urban Sociology, член Ученого комитета международной ассоциации урбо- морфологов,
2. Conzen, Michael P. University of Chicago (USA), professor of Geography, один из основателей англо-немецкой школы урбоморфологии, член Ученого комитета международной ассоциации урбо- морфологов,
3. Colomer, Vicente Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain), professor, член Ученого комитета международной ассоциации урбо- морфологов,
4. Gu, Kai. University Auckland (New Zealand), associate professor, director Urban Planning programs, Ученый секретарь международной ассоциации Urban Morphology
5. Kantarek, Anna Agata professor, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków, Poland, член Ученого комитета международной ассоциации урбо- морфологов,
6. Marat-Mendes Teresa, ISCTE -IUL – University Institute of Lisbon (Portugal), associate professor, School of Architecture and Urbanism, член Ученого комитета международной ассоциации урбо- морфологов,
7. McClure Wendy, University of Idaho (USA), professor in Architecture, член Ученого комитета международной ассоциации урбо- морфологов,
8. Oliveira, Vítor. University of Porto (Portugal), professor of Urban Morphology and Urban Planning at ULP and Senior Researcher at the Research Centre for Territory Transports and Environment (FEUP), член ученого комитета международной ассоциации урбо- морфологов,
9. Samuels Ivor, University of Birmingham (UK), School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Honorary Senior Research Fellow, член Ученого комитета международной ассоциации урбо- морфологов,
10. Scheer, Brenda Case, professor University of Utah, USA, член Ученого комитета международной ассоциации урбо- морфологов,
11. Strappa, Giuseppe, professor, Sapienza – Università di Roma, Italy, член Ученого комитета международной ассоциации урбо- морфологов,
12. Whitehand, Jeremy. University of Birmingham (UK), emeritus professor of Urban Geography, главный редактор журнала Urban Morphology, член Ученого комитета международной ассоциации урбо- морфологов