Tag Archives: urban fabric

Carlo Quintelli – Tre concetti per la morfologia urbana dal punto di vista progettuale

Three concepts for the urban morphology from a designing point of view

in U+D Urbanform and Design n. 15 – 2021 (Italian and English text)

The tool of morphological analysis for architectural and urban composition should lead us to critically re-consider the contributions of Italian Schools which have used such a tool in different ways but with a common scientific intention: that of a general critical revision and epistemological re-foundation of the design culture. A revision that cannot fail to involve the thematic node of the relationship between architecture and city despite its phenomenological actualization, the question of typology as a non-univocal but essential component of morphological characterization, and the functional datum in the interpretative key of a physiology of urban and territorial contexts capable of guiding the design choice.
Thus contrasting a kind of temperance design on a cognitive basis to that of an architecture dictated by the functionalism of communication.


Lettura tipologica dell’organismo urbano della città di Trani all’interno delle mura Longobarde



Lettura tipologica dell’organismo urbano della città di Trani all’interno delle mura longobarde

Tesi di laurea di : F. De Benedictis, P. Di Chito, E. Gabriele, N. Incampo, L. Miano, R. Petrelli

Anno Accademico 2005/6


Tesi di ricerca

The overturned city


Giuseppe Strappa

The overturned city /  La città rovesciata

U+D n.14 – editorial

Rome was certainly not the only victim of a rapid and violent consumption of the most precious part of the inherited city. The crisis of its historical fabric was however exemplary and the questions that its decline posed contain, as often in history, a universal meaning.
Some considerations on the historic city of Rome (on the way, above all, in which the crisis caused by the pandemic has posed new problems and some hope) may be of general significance not only because the city has been, for at least a century, an important place of experimentation in terms of interventions on its historical heritage, but also because it has given a significant contribution to the thought on the architecture of the modern city, that of Kahn, Venturi, Rowe, Muratori.
What is changing, therefore, in the historic city, meaning by this term not only an architectural and building heritage, but a system of values, functions and symbols inevitably in transformation?
I believe that the problem has to be posed in a broad perspective that considers the formative phases of the city fabric, posing the question in its structural terms, which are economic and political.

continue reading       editoriale n.14 – strappa NUOVO


2nd international ISAR summer school, Architecture in Abruzzo, Castelvecchio Calvisio, Italy, July 17-27, 2020
Opening conference


poster Castelvecchio Summer School
18th July 2020, 15:30 (GMT+2:00)
Özyeğin University, ZOOM platform

https://zoom.us/j/93768467733 pwd=aXJ3OW95bjZQc1lIbUREQ1F6L2FVQT09


MICHELE CORNIETI (MIBACT, Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio per la città metropolitana di Firenze e le province di Pistoia e Prato)
Morphological characters of Northern Apennine settlements.The Val di Bagno case
MASSIMO ANGRILLI (Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti – Pescara)
Centrality and marginality of the Abruzzo Apennine territories
GIORGIO VERDIANI (University of Florence) From Cultural Heritage documentation and digital survey to multimedia
ALESSANDRO CAMIZ (Özyeğin University)
From villa to village: the formation process of small towns in central Italy
GIUSEPPE STRAPPA (“Sapienza”, University of Rome)
Contemporary architecture in historical contexts
Compact Cities, Broadband Villages, Rural Urbanism
JOHN BARBOUR (University of Colorado)
Design analysis for the ecological, historical, and formal in village urbanism
DARKO REBA (University of Novi Sad)
Rhythms in open urban spaces

Live stream on https://www.facebook.com/groups/drum.lab.ozyegin/



Course in Urban Morphology (2019/20)


G. Strappa


The form of the Italian city produced in the Middle Age, often derived from the consumption of decayed ancient  urban organisms, expresses the solidarity between housing units that join together to form higher-level organisms.

This organic character, which binds in one unit different components (the route, the building, the pertinent area) in a “society of houses” is certainly the shared heritage of a building and urban custom that was born in the Roman world and is, in turn, linked to a cultural koinè that belongs to the Mediterranean masonry -plastic world. Tacitus had clearly focused on this subject by noting, by difference, the “serial” character of Germanic settlements: “Vicos locant non in nostrum morem conexis et coherentibus aedificiis: suam quisque domum spatio circumdat, sive adversus casus ignis remedium sive inscitia aedificandi” (1). The type of housing at the origin of most of the formative processes of the Italian cities developed starting from the XIII-XIV century is above all the row-house, declined in different local variants in the whole peninsula, from the Venetian types that translate into masonry building organisms originated from wooden courtyard  matrices, to the markedly plastic examples of central and southern Italy.

This type of dwelling, which communicates through its own forms the predisposition of the single building to collaboration and aggregation, is remarkably constant, It is identifiable in its transformations process, within the different cultural areas, both in the bicellular type (to which reference will mostly be made), and in the monocellular one derived from the consumption of the courtyard house (pseudo row-house)…….

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