ISSUM – International Summer School on Urban Morphology – Rome, 20 / 28 June 2022

IsufItaly, as a member of International Seminar on Urban Form, Italian Network and Kaebup (Knowledge Alliance for Evidence-Based Urban Practices), welcomes applications from Master and PhD architecture and planning students interested in Urban Morphology research to participate in an International Summer School on Urban Morphology to be held in Rome from 20 to 28 June 2022 . 
ISSUM, organized with the contribution of Isuf Regional Network, aims to offer students the opportunity to learn methods of UM through the teaching of international teachers and concretely verify the knowledge acquired through the interpretation of the built landscape. The ISSUM goal is to provide also a centre of excellence in urban form knowledge through multiple exchanges and involvement of students, academics, professionals in learning, research and design. 
Through lectures and studio work, discussions, and research activities (in English), participants will explore the urban morphology studies’ role in reading historical and consolidated urban fabrics and producing an evidence-based intervention design.

The goal will be achieved through

Lectures intended to cover the theoretical part of the school’s teaching. 

They will be held by:
• Isufitaly teachers  giving lectures to introduce the students to the local UM methods (Italian-processual school).  
• Guest teachers giving lectures on their research methods in UM. 
• Guest professionals to give lectures on their design experience linked to the study of urban form.

Field surveys,  organized by host teachers, will guide the students in practical urban analysis. The team of teachers will also provide the basic cartography helpful in reading the various case studies.

Studio activities, intended as reading exercises and practical drawings concerning the selected urban fabrics. They will also involve some hints on the architectural design related to the fabric studied. The students’ work will be discussed with the contribution of the host teachers, including local academics and  professionals.  

Lectures and studio work will take place at Palazzo Cenci Bolognetti, a Renaissance building in Piazza delle Cinque Scole in Rome. The site is located in the Ghetto area, in a specially  remarkable historical area where the Medieval and Renaissance fabric blends with the  ancient substratum. The area around the school will be the subject of the morphological readings.
A jury will select a group of 15 participants.  

Minimum Requirements for the application are: 
• 4th-year Architecture or Urban Planning student 
• Some experience in urban form studies  
To apply, interested students are required to send: 
• name and surname 
• date of birth, place of residence and nationality, email address 
• a brief academic and professional CV and a motivation letter (maximum 4000 characters in all) containing  all data considered useful for the evaluation (schools,  universities and post-graduate courses attended, professional experiences,  publications, etc. )

Please send your application by  15th March 2022 to the link: 
The result of the selection will be communicated via email by 10th April 2022. For further details or inquiries, please write to:

For the participation to the ISSUM, the payment of a fee of € 200 after the selection is required as a contribution to organizational expenses. The fee should be paid by 30th April 2022 and includes lectures and the use of educational spaces.

To support the dissemination of UM studies, Isuf will provide a grant to an African Student. 
A final dinner will be organized on the 28th in a nearby restaurant (included in the fee). The fee does not include accommodation costs and the optional tour which will be organized on Sunday 26th of June.

fragmental_ on the dissolution of public space

fragmental_on the dissolution of public space

Villa Massimo in Rome –  24th and 25th of February 2022




Verena von Beckerath – BAUHAUS-UNIVERSITÄT Weimar
Emanuel Christ & Christoph Gantenbein – ETH Zürich
Filip Dujardin – Ghent
Job fForis – MONADNOCK Rotterdam
Simona Malvezzi – KÜHN MALVEZZI Berlin
Oda Pälmke – TU Kaiserslautern
Marco Provinciali – SUPERVOID Rom
Uwe Schröder – RWTH Aachen
Giuseppe Strappa – SAPIENZA Università di Roma
Andrea Simitch & Val Warke – CORNELL University New York
Imke Woelk – IMKEWOELK + Partner Berlin
Peter L. Wilson – BOLLES+WILSON Münster
Moderated by Adria Daraban and Heike Hanada
Final lecture with guest of honour

„ The Greek law was really a „wall of law“ and as such created the space of a polis; without this wall there could be a city in the sense of a collection of houses for people to live together (an „asty“), but no „polis“, no city-state as a political community. The wall of the law was sacred, but not itself, on what it enclosed was actually political.“
Hannah Arendt „Der Raum des Öffentlichen und der Bereich des Privaten“ Chicago 1958

Rome forms the foundation of a basic understanding of the identity and heritage of European architecture. Its ruinous monumentality* is still more visibly present today for the city, for architecture and art than perhaps in no other metropolis in Europe.
As a thematic follow-up to the symposium „monumental_public buildings at the beginning of the 21st century“ 2019 at the Baukunstarchiv NRW, the theme of „fragmental_dissolution of public space“ at the 2022 symposium at the Villa Massimo in Rome examines the ambivalent identity of a monumental and simultaneously romantic understanding of space between the built environment and its dissolution, between architecture and the reconquest of space by nature. At a time when our relationship to the unbuilt, to the „natural“ is being radically questioned and the static role of architecture is beginning to falter, concepts such as dissolution and fragmentation seem to be taking on a new identity forming role in recent architectural development. But how does
the relationship between architecture and the city develop?
The symposium seeks to take up the concept of the „public“ within recent positions and to critically reflect on its relation to a classical-romantic understanding of architecture.
24th and 25th of February 2022

Chair of Building Typologies
Prof. Heike Hanada |

Forms of the Existing. Two buildings by the architect Saverio Muratori – RWTH Aachen University

Formen des Existierenden
Zwei Bauten des Architekten Saverio Muratori
Final Review
09 February 2022
Guest Critic: Giuseppe Strappa
Università degli Studi “La Sapienza“ Roma







Wintersemester 2021/22
RWTH Aachen University
Forschungsfeld ”Formen des Existierenden”
Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet Raumgestaltung, Prof. Uwe Schröder
Konzeption und Leitung: Franziska Kramer
Controbutions and works by: Sarah Bosch, Melek Altuntas, Michelle Tanoto, Carl Nicolai, Malte Nannen, Li Yuqing, Mara Petri,
Marlene Koßmann, Till Merbeks, Leon Lensing.
Figure: Saverio Muratori Medioevo: Ecumene mediterranea.
Zoom Meeting Link:
Meeting-ID: 976 5946 9295
Kenncode: 085838
2 case studies
La chiesa Parrochiale, San Giovanni al Gatano, Pisa
L‘edificio in Largo Spartaco, Quartiere Tuscolano, Rom

2022_Formen des Existierenden_Guest Critic

G. Strappa – Il lotto costruito e la città futura. Il problema dell’unità elementare nella lettura e nel disegno della forma urbana



G. Strappa – Il lotto costruito e la città futura.
Il problema dell’unità elementare nella lettura
e nel disegno della forma urbana 

Editoriale del n.16 di U+D Urbanform and Design – Dicembre 2021

l problema del rapporto tra strumenti di lettura della città e progetto di trasformazione fa parte, in realtà, della storia stessa della morfologia urbana intesa come disciplina operativa. Fin dalla loro formazione, le diverse scuole si sono divise sulla questione dell’utilità delle indagini razionali e trasmissibili sulla realtà urbana: sul loro costituire l’insieme dei dati quali orientare scelte, oppure rappresentare la sostanza del progetto stesso. Credo che una prima osservazione di carattere generale si possa fare, oggi, sulla progressiva complessità che gli studi di morfologia urbana vanno assumendo. La loro crescente tendenza informatica trova un’immediata spiegazione nel quadro generale del ruolo centrale che sembra stia assumendo la trasformazione digitale in Europa. È noto, peraltro, come in Italia il piano per il PNRR preveda come prima missione la digitalizzazione del paese, alla quale viene dedicato una particolare attenzione anche negli investimenti dei fondi europei. E tuttavia, pur in questo quadro generale e pur considerando la rilevanza scientifica di molte delle sperimentazioni “quantitative” in corso, ritengo che la loro reale rapporto con il progetto sia non di rado del tutto indiretto e che, a volte, non avvicinino il progettista all’indagine concreta del costruito. Si rischia, a mio avviso, di creare un complesso, poderoso microcosmo di regole espresse da un linguaggio simbolico dove, tuttavia, non c’è posto per la infinita varietà del costruito reale: nonostante l’esigenza, insita nella natura stessa della morfologia, di cercare principi generali nella infinita molteplicità della realtà urbana, questa non si lascia ingabbiare in regole e norme di astratta assolutezza.  ……….


EDITORIALE n.16 – Giuseppe Strappa